Author: Khobbits

  • New Site Layout

    I’ve never been particularly big on posting on here, with usually only a couple posts a year, but since COVID, it’s completely dried up. Decided to rejig the site a little, make it a bit more professional. It does read a little like a CV now, but hopefully, that will be better than some whiny…

  • New York

    Working at The Mill (VFX House) has been an interesting experience over the years. When I first joined the team, I was tasked with introducing DevOps practices within the development team, and later rose through the ranks in the Engineering team to look after significant parts of the global infrastructure. While I do enjoy the…

  • Barcelona

    Apparently Barcelona is a popular place for container based conferences. Since starting this blog, technology has changed and evolved. The first posts on here, talked about MySpace, Digg, Google/IG, and homework, which is somewhat jarring, in that it’s not awfully different (Facebook, Reddit, Google’s Discover Feed, and work), but also a different world. These days…

  • Meet the parents

    I recently spent just over week in The Netherlands, on a whirlwind tour, visiting my partners old haunts. I’ve been dating Dominique Top for over 6 months, and I was dragged, not quite kicking and screaming, to visit the places she considers to be home. I was somewhat apprehensive of the trip, for the first…

  • Europe

    I recently got the chance to visit a friend who was living in Munich (over there for a year for a job), and it reminded me that there is a lot of Europe, and indeed the rest of the world left to explore. Growing up my parents took me to Greece on holiday a handful…

  • Conference Season and Meetups

    As I’ve become more entrenched at The Mill (VFX House) now and then I get the chance to escape into the world, to visit events like AWS Summit London, Google Cloud Next, IP Expo and the like. When I talk to people at these events, and also at the smaller ‘mini-conferences’ you find posted on…

  • London

    Shortly after getting my degree (BSc Network Computing), I was given the chance to move to London. This was a bit of a surprise, and happened almost out of the blue when Seiji Okamoto (Friend from University and contributor to Essentials) got a job in London, and was looking for someone to help pay rent.…

  • DevOps

    For the last 3 years I’ve been working in Systems Administration, specifically focusing on Cloud Infrastructure, and working directly with Development teams to try and make deploying websites as easy as possible. I sometimes find it hard to describe what I do in a few words, suggesting that “I work in IT” doesn’t really leave…