Month: April 2006

  • Mail!

    Well just a few days ago I got accepted for the gmail for domains beta, basically you point your dns at google, and then let it handle your mail, currently I have a 25 ‘user’ limit (I’ll get to that in a second) and it looks pretty neat. I have quite obviously as the…

  • Myspace the truth is out…

    I was trying to do my homework, some of the work I’ve got left over from not doing very much over the half term, when someone throws a link to this article on digg this is something I’m quite glad I decided to look up from my work for. An article on: Why MySpace is…

  • Super glue vs Keyloggers

    Anyone who spends a lot of time on computers and uses passwords should know the danger of key-loggers, from people who play web games to people who use online banking should be aware of the danger of having people log passwords. I’m still not sure if Bede’s actually does key-log, but I’m pretty sure places…

  • Always loved this guy….

    I was just waking up checking my chat channels to see what was up, make sure there wasn’t any problems or anything I needed to deal with, and to set my nick as away instead of asleep, that was when I found a nice snippet from Kami a post from CAD. Its a great comic…

  • Another borked system!

    Its rare that I make a post that isn’t related to this site or to the connected people, but today I’ve decided that I will expand on this, from now on, I’m going to start posting random crap into a separate category with some techno-babble and other random web rubbish :p For people who are…